Across the globe COVID-19 restrictions are being loosened, lifted, or eliminated. This doesn’t mean the end of the pandemic is a foregone conclusion. Chances are we’ll need to remain adaptable and ready to pivot should cases rise again.

Our team is looking forward to in-person connection and seeing people face-to-face again, but when we recently sat down with our business development team to define what ‘back to business’ looks like, we found it brought up a whole lot of questions. It also helped us identify that after two years of operating virtually, we needed to revisit some sales process fundamentals and re-engage and activate the team.

If you haven’t started these ‘back to normal’ conversation with your team yet, please see it as the great opportunity that it can be. Now is the perfect time to bring your team together and get strategic. Coming together with your team to talk about your company goals, marketing messaging and sales tactics will not only re-invigorate your staff and create buy-in, but creates an opportunity to identify where coaching or training may be needed.

We recently attended our first couple of in-person meetings and events. It was a great experience, and these were our biggest take-aways:

  • Be flexible – not everyone is ready to shake hands or stand shoulder to shoulder.
  • Plan for extra talk time – people are excited to be together and catch up.
  • Gather and share content – chances are you or some of your customers are taking baby steps towards travel again. Be a resource and find ways to deliver them your key learning during and after the event.
  • Have an action plan – what do you want to achieve and what does a successful meeting/event look like.
  • Have fun – no explanation required!

Does this ring true to you?
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