I’m getting a lot of experience with online meeting platforms like GoToMeeting and Zoom.

I’ve always used them, but not to this extent. Over the past couple weeks, they have replaced the phone as my preferred way of doing interviews, for the following reasons.

Better quality audio. If your meeting participants and interview subjects join the meeting by computer, the audio quality is superb. Much better than a standard phone call.

Recording options. Better quality audio means I can record my interviews for use in podcasts. You never know when a soundbite might make for a good podcast soundbite. Just more content to offer my readers!

Video options. Why not turn your webcams on (remember, even if you work from home, dress professionally in case you find yourself in a webcam meeting) and record a video chat? This can be made into a video to post on your website so long as the video quality is good.

Screen sharing. I used to think screen sharing was only meant for certain meetings, but I find I’m using it more and more casually to give my meeting participants or interviewee a peek into what I’m working on. “Step inside my office” has become “Have a look at my screen.”

Even after the pandemic is over and life returns to “normal”, it’s my feeling that online meeting platforms are going to take on new importance. For me, they are becoming more than just meeting platforms, but rather my main vehicle for generating content, be it text, audio, or even potential video.

I’m considering more and more the importance of a proper outfit, lighting and backdrop so that I am able to present myself just as professionally online as I would in person at an event or in the office.

See my next column for insights on how to record an interview for use in a podcast.

How are you using technology in new ways to conduct business in the world of COVID-19? Contact me and let’s chat!